The query “scriptonite died” jumped in search trends on October 1, 2022.
People are looking for whether the rapper from Kazakhstan Skriptonite (Adil Zhalelov) really died.
Most of these requests come from Kazakhstan.
To a lesser extent, people are interested in this request in Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine.
Scriptonite has a Twitter.
The last post there is dated August 5, 2022.
This is a link to the premiere of the video on YouTube “Fast Mood – Kali, Malcolm Kush”.
As for other news about Scriptonite, the other day it became known that he transferred 20 thousand dollars to a fund to support the citizens of Ukraine, who were attacked in full by the Russian army.
Scriptonite is now 32 years old.
Earlier in social networks, “news” appeared from time to time that Scriptonite had died.
However, these were all either fakes or “jokes”.
There are no official reports that anything happened to Scriptonite.
See also: Who is Ivan “Walkie” Petunin and did he really die?